Outdure Decking Solutions

Outdure Decking Solutions

Timber deck framing is especially affected by moisture when adjacent to, or in contact with the natural ground. It is also likely to rot and cause widespread structural damage if installed on balconies over a membrane where the deck height is under 100mm.

In addition, timber framing requires blocking for structural integrity, which in turn prevents critical airflow. The timber naturally wants to bow and twist, is cumbersome and heavy to handle and results in a high percentage of waste on-site.

Inspired by this observation of decks being designed and built lower to the ground to maximise indoor-outdoor flow + the global trend of rooftop deck developments, Kiwi-founded company Outdure set about to pioneer an easier, more durable way to create outdoor spaces.

Designed to resolve these issues, the QwickBuild system by Outdure is moisture-proof, straight, light-weight, doesn't twist or warp, has minimal waste + is fast, and easy to install. 

The versatile system comprises of patented componentry and fasteners for the range of aluminium joist and bearer profiles engineered to suit ALL deck heights. QwickBuild can be installed in new or remedial projects over multiple substrates, including waterproof membranes, concrete, existing tiles/pavers, and natural ground. 

QwickBuild is the only system available with multi-surface integration to support hardwood timber decking, composite decking, structural tiles, synthetic turf, or a combination on a level plane for ultimate design flexibility and ease of installation.

Outdure also supply a contemporary range of premium decking: ResortDeck and CasaDeck, exterior structural tile ranges and UltraPlush turf + complimentary accessories such as QwickGrates to ensure deck ventilation + offer a complete design service including construction drawings if required. 

For more information please call 0800 77 88 77


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